Monday, November 16, 2015

Women in Business Discussion Group Tuesday 24 November 2015 | 5.45pm – 8pm | CPA Centre Level 3, 111 Harrington St
For our last session of 2015, we are delighted to welcome Dr Rosina McAlpine to present “Starting 2016 with clarity, conviction and confidence”.
Did you take advantage of the opportunities that crossed your path in 2015 or were you too busy simply trying to keep up with the fast pace of life?
Imagine what it would be like to start the new year with clarity, conviction and confidence – stepping into life with no self-doubt, no self-criticism and no negative self-talk. It is possible when you understand how your negative beliefs limit your potential and how even a small shift in your perspective can open exciting possibilities. In this talk, Dr Rosina McAlpine will explore the difference between self-esteem, self-confidence and self-efficacy and explain how understanding the distinctions can lead to a new self-concept and a more empowering way to approach your relationships, parenting, friendships and work.
Self-esteem and self-confidence are not the same thing, yet most people fail to understand the crucial difference. Self-esteem is the judgment you make about yourself. Take a moment to reflect – would you say you have good self-esteem or low self-esteem? Perhaps you feel confident and have positive words of encouragement for yourself – even when you make a mistake or fail. Or if you’re like most people, you may project confidence to the world, but inside you doubt yourself and your worth. Perhaps you look to your achievements or to others to feel of value. Over the coming weeks leading up to this talk, think about how you esteem yourself. Are your thoughts about yourself predominantly positive or self-critical or a mix of both? Take a mental note of how you talk to yourself and reflect on the choices you’ve made during 2015 based on your beliefs about what you could or couldn’t do.
When you learn to truly appreciate yourself just for who you are – and realise that you’re only limited by your own thoughts and beliefs  –  you’ll be able to step into 2016 with a new clarity, conviction and confidence.
Dr. Rosina McAlpine is an Associate Professor at the University of Sydney Business School and has a Masters degree and a PhD in education. She is an internationally recognised, award-winning researcher and educator receiving 5 outstanding teaching awards and 5 international best paper awards. Rosina’s research interests include navigating and negotiating work-life balance and gender equality. Since becoming a mother, she has developed the Win Win Parenting program to help working parents overcome the challenges of modern day parenting. Delivering her parenting program in the corporate world, Rosina’s clients include: Lendlease, Macquarie Bank,  CPA Australia, The Australian Human Rights Commission and Red Balloon among others. A keen researcher using the latest research in child development, Rosina has edited a book with chapters from leading minds around the world in psychology, neuro-science and biology for the book entitled Inspired Children: how the leading minds of today raise their children.
This will be a fun, enlightening talk, followed by canapés and lucky door prizes.  To attend, please RSVP to Reis at or via Facebook by 5pm Friday 20 November 2015.

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