Tuesday, June 18, 2013

We are excited to welcome Nicola Styles as our guest speaker for our June session.  In this session Nicola will be speaking about  “Creating a Resilient Mindset to Overcome Life’s Hurdles”.
Nicola will provide valuable information and insights into:
- The importance of having a resilient mindset
- Types of thinking that hinders a resilient mindset 
- How changing your mindset will build your resilience muscle
- The power behind healthy self-talk
- Tools and techniques to overcome life’s hurdles
The session will help you:
- Create a more accurate perspective of the situation
- Become more flexible and optimistic in your thinking 
- Cope with adversity and disappointments better
- Achieve greater levels of well-being 
By the end of the session you will feel empowered to think differently and take on life’s challenges with greater personal resilience.
Nicola is a Corporate Trainer and Executive Coach specialising in the area of Career and Leadership Development.  Her passion lies in getting the best out of career-driven individuals and helping organisations develop their leadership capability and nurture their top talent.  In her role as a Career & Leadership Development Specialist, Nicola’s objective is to lift individuals out of a ‘day-to-day’ mind-set and help them create a clear pathway for success.  She does this by understanding the goals, vision and aspirations, of both the individual and organisation in order to achieve the desired outcome. Her approach is very much about collaboration and team work, bringing energy, enthusiasm and professionalism to all her sessions and workshops. She truly believes that her role is to support, encourage and facilitate excellence, through helping organisations nurture their most valuable asset, and individuals achieve their potential. In her spare time, Nicola is also a mentor with the Network Central Mentor Program for Executive Women (sponsored by NRMA) and a Volunteer Career Coach with Dress For Success Sydney - NFP supporting disadvantaged women in the community. On a personal level she invests significant time and energy into her fitness, personal relationships and love of learning.

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