Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Incidental Leadership

Women in Business Discussion Group Tuesday 30 August 2022 | 6 – 8pm | Via Webex

We are thrilled to welcome Michelle Cook, Image Consultant, to our discussion on Tues 30 August to share how we can harness opportunity as an incidental leader every day.

By naming your unique contribution, then actively communicating it as part of your daily business, you will learn to pitch your strengths in a way that is relevant to colleagues and the targets to be achieved. You will also have new information to add to your curriculum vitae, along with loads of examples to talk about at an interview. 

It's wonderful when the organisation can acknowledge people who contribute in this way, but often leadership acknowledgment is saved for big results, that can take months or years to manifest. Why not start the conversation? Look out for your email from cpawomen@gmail.com for details on how to registration and to download the worksheet.

#womeninbusiness #incidentalleadership