Women in Business Discussion Group Thursday 26 February 2015 | 5.45pm – 8pm | CPA Centre Level 3, 111 Harrington St
I am excited to start our discussion group with a very interesting speaker – Joanna Maxwell. Joanna will be presenting “Creative Thinking: Your Career Edge”. Change is in the air - change in what we do at work, how we manage our work and what the future looks like. It’s tempting to pretend it’s not happening, to put your head under the doona and continue as if it’s business as usual. But there is a better way.
If you want (or need) to reinvent your working identity, creative thinking tools will help you come up with fresh ideas and new options - and differentiate yourself from the competition. Creative thinking will give you the edge in staying relevant and ensuring that you can leverage new career possibilities.
In this informative (and entertaining) session, Joanna Maxwell will highlight the tips and tricks to help you develop agility and think creatively about your brand and your future. You’ll look at your career history in new ways, you’ll learn the power of having three solutions, and try out different techniques that you can continue to apply after the session.
Joanna Maxwell is a keynote speaker and accredited coach and trainer who works with individuals and businesses to help them flourish. As the owner of Work In Colour, she uses the power of creative thinking to help clients advance their careers, find new possibilities, generate ideas and solve all kinds of problems in the workplace. (And enjoy themselves along the way...)
To attend, please RSVP to Grace at cpawibfb@gmail.com or via Facebook by 5pm Monday 23 February 2015.
For more details about CPD hours see our blogspot http://cpawomen.blogspot.com/ p/cpd.html.
Please update your own CPD Diary if you attend this meeting as CPA Australia no longer do this.
Memberships for 2015 are now due, please forward your payment as per details below:
$30 for CPAs or $50 for Non-CPA Australia members in 2013 (no pro-rata, non-refundable)
Payment in advance via EFT
Bank: NAB
Account Name: Women in Business Discussion Group
BSB: 082088
Account Number: 186893555
Please email Felicity for a receipt at cpawibfb@gmail.com